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Virox Accel Sprayers for 1L Bottles
QTY: 50 Strips per Bottle
PREempt Test Strips for use with 7% AHP (CS20). Indicates if the proper amount of Hydrogen Peroxide is present in the product. Fail / Pass reading.
One step surface cleaner and disinfectant
Active Ingredient breaks down into water + oxygen for easy safe disposal
30 second contact: Broad-spectrum sanitizing
3 minute contact: bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, tuberculocidal
Handy Travel Size Pack - portable dimensions: 7.5”x10”
Sizes: 8 wipes per soft pack, 20 per case
Other: Active Ingredient : Hydrogen Peroxide 0.5% w/w
QTY: 50 per Bottle
Special Order Item Easy to use monitoring system for users of PREempt Concentrate 50 test strips per bottle
Size: 1L
One step surface cleaner and disinfectant 3 minute disinfection Bactericidal, Virucidal, Fungicidal, Tuberclocidal 30 second sanitizing Broad-Spectrum non-food contact sanitizing Available in 1L and 4L ***Please note that Limited quantities may be available. Please call for details
Size: 4L
HLD 5 carries a 5 minute high level disinfection and 6 hour chemical sporicide claim
**Please note that Limited quantities may be available. Please call for details
QTY: 100 Strips per Bottle
Accel Test Strips for use with Accel 2% AHP (HLD5). Indicates if the correct amount of hydrogen peroxide is present in the product. Fail / Pass reading.
QTY: 160 Wipes per Container
One step surface cleaner and disinfectant 3 minute disinfection Bactericidal, Virucidal, Fungicidal, Tuberculosis 30 second sanitizing Broad-Spectrum non-food contact sanitizing Canister - 6" x 7", 160 wipes per canister ***Please note that Limited quantities may be available. Please call for details
Size: 4L
Concentrated one step surface cleaner and disinfectant 5 minute disinfection at 1:40 Bactericidal, Virucidal, Fungicidal, Tuberculocidal 30 second sanitizing at 1:128 Broad-Spectrum non food contact sanitizing 4L